


In complicated and troublesome times we feel the desire to take refuge in the green to find balance and feel better. Is it pure suggestion? No, the benefit is concrete and has deep roots in the history of our evolution. For many years research has been conducted on the subject. The contact with nature gives calm and serenity, regulates heartbeat, attenuates the aggressiveness, increases energy, stimulates the cognitive abilities, raises the immune system and combats tumors and diseases. Many studies are still unknown. In Italy, for example, they could easily be put into practice thanks to the great heritage of parks, forests and gardens. How to do? In this book, Marco Mencagli and Marco Nieri, who have long been working in the field of Therapeutic Green Spaces and Forest Therapy, explain how the interaction between plants and organism occurs and what profound effects may have on our psychophysical well-being. From Forest bathing to the Bioenergetic landscape, we will understand how and why some activities are most effective in achieving the maximum results in forests and gardens, showin scientific and practical applications. We will also find tips to create a healthier environment at home and in the office, because some plants purify the air and absorb pollutants, make us stronger and more productive, improving our ability to rest and be in a good mood.

The Secret Therapy of Trees

Harness the Healing Energy of Forest Bathing and Natural Landscapes

By Marco Mencagli and Marco Nieri

Penguin Random House :

Marco Nieri is a bio-researcher, expert in ecodesign and habitat health. He has conceived the "Bioenergetic Landscapes", the innovative technique for studying and measuring the effects of vegetal bio-electromagnetism on the human body, creating therapeutic green spaces in Italy and abroad. He leads experiential groups in parks and forests, and is an expert in Green Office. He wrote “Bioenergetic Landscape” (Sistemi Editoriali, 2009). Marco also is a Certified European Forest Bathing Guide and Trainer EFTI, and founder of the italian Institute of the European Forest Therapy Institute  EFTI.; email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Facebook: Bioenergetic Landscapes

Marco Mencagli has been an agronomist for over twenty-five years. It is responsible for the design and maintenance of private and public parks and gardens, as well as for hiking and forestry facilities. He has worked for twelve years with the Maremma Regional Park Authority as consultant agronomist and has long been concerned with the therapeutic aspects of vegetation and green spaces. He is a consultant for the green furnishings of prestigious hotels in Tuscany and Lazio. Marco Mencagli is co-founder of the italian Institute of the European Forest Therapy Institute  EFTI.; email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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BIOENERGETIC LANDSCAPE - Project for a Healing Bioenergetic Garden

Numerous studies in the fields of psychology and physiology today have demonstrated how mere exposure to natural environments can aid recovery from tiredness caused by over-working and psycho-physical stress. Over recent decades Healing gardens thave been specifically designed to offer people maximum psychological and emotional support.For many years, Marco Nieri – eco-designer and researcher in the field of environmental welfare – has dedicated himself to studying with the Lecher Antenna the relationship between environmental well-being and the health of both humans and other living things. All vital functions belonging to animal or plant life-forms are possible because organisms act as antennas, receiving, absorbing and giving out weak but significant electro-magnetic fields from Sun and Biosphere. These investigations has described how electro-magnetic nature can influence life, both in humans and in plants. Taking this as his starting point, the author has concentrated his research on the world of plants, discovering that they are capable of influencing our existence from the point of view of their energy.

The “Bioenergetic Landscapes” is the innovative technique developed by Marco Nieri, and clearly opens up a new and fascinating outlook on the plant world, obtaining the maximum benefit from the electro-magnetic emissions generated by plants for up to several tens of metres around. The “Bio-energetic Landscape” enables first-hand study of plants’ energetic reactions to external stimuli and to check the state of the plants’ energetic health, identifying possible electro-magnetic causes and solutions for their illnesses. For example, it offers the chance to test and measure the extreme sensitivity to music shown by vegetation. The book ends with a selection of tables describing recently completed projects.

Publisher: Gruppo Editoriale Esselibri Simone Esselibri S.p.A.
Via Montenuovo Licola Patria, 131/C - 80078 Pozzuoli (NA)
Tel./Fax 081.8043918
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Published 2009, 256 pp. 17 x 24 cm
Price: 32,00 euro

 La Pianta e L’Architetto 

Le piante dal punto di vista dell'architetto: le cose fondamentali da sapere quando si progetta con il verde. Esempi concreti in giro per il mondo: come i progettisti hanno integrato mondo vegetale e architettura. Oltre quaranta realizzazioni di verde pensile, verde verticale, biopiscine, giardini terapeutici con riferimenti all'arte e alla letteratura, come purificare l'aria con le piante. i segreti dei giardini terapeutici.
Opere di vari autori, tra cui Marco Nieri, Pablo De La Cal, Sonia De Las Heras, Enrique Browne, Juli Capella, Carver e Schicketanz, Fred Ballerini, B. Centola, M. Pezzoli, Giovanni D'Ambrosio, Terunobu Fujimori, Nobumiki Oshima, Marcel Kalberer, Massimo Iosa Ghini, Hiroshi Nakamura, Neo Nature e tanti altri.

A cura di Maurizio Corrado
Testi di Giuliano Bressa - Marco Nieri - Stefano Mancuso - Francesco Mati - Mirco Tugnoli - M. Corrado
2010, pp. 288, Prezzo: 30,00, euro, formato 15 x 21 (978 88 513 0645 8)

 Manuale pratico del verde in architettura

Nel panorama della manualistica tecnica mancava da tempo uno strumento che riuscisse a riunire in un volume solo le molte specifiche dell’uso dell’elemento vegetale in rapporto all’architettura, alla città e al paesaggio, oltre che alla progettazione e realizzazione degli spazi verdi.

Con l’apporto di oltre venti specialisti, ognuno scelto per le proprie caratteristiche di eccellenza nel suo settore, il volume costituisce il primo esempio italiano in questa direzione, contenendo specifici e approfonditi capitoli su: florovivaismo, progetto gestione e manutenzione del verde privato e pubblico, valutazione economica degli alberi, paesaggio, giardino terapeutico, allestimenti verdi, substrati, verde pensile, verde verticale, biopiscine, vegetecture, senza dimenticare gli aspetti culturali, di mitigazione degli inquinamenti e le prospettive di sviluppo per le città verdi.

Oggi, considerata la dilagante voglia di verde, diventa necessario per ogni progettista avere una più profonda consapevolezza del rapporto che abbiamo avuto con l’esterno e il mondo vegetale, che si scopre essere il denominatore comune di agricoltura, alimentazione, architettura, paesaggio, design. Si tratta di andare oltre l’idea di verde come ornamento, concependo l’elemento vegetale esattamente come si concepisce un qualsiasi materiale da costruzione.

A cura di Maurizio Corrado